Articles – Health Leadership

The Best Online Doctorate Programs in Health Leadership for 2024

In the dynamic and demanding field of healthcare, effective leadership is essential to drive innovation, improve patient outcomes, and manage complex organizations. For professionals aiming to enhance their leadership skills and advance their careers, pursuing an online doctorate in health leadership provides a flexible and practical pathway. Here, we highlight some of the best online doctorate programs in health leadership for 2024, based on information from

University of Oxford

Program: DPhil in Evidence-Based Health Care
Key Features:

  • Residency Requirements: Research students must attend Oxford in person for at least 30 days each year.
  • Comprehensive Access: The program offers access to a wide range of Oxford's library and computing facilities.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: The program collaborates with various evidence-based health care centers, providing a broad perspective on health care practices.
  • ARWU Rank: 7.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Program: Executive Doctoral Program in Health Leadership (DrPH)
Key Features:

  • Residency Requirements: Three short on-site visits per year.
  • Target Audience: Designed for mid-to-senior level professionals aiming for top positions in health organizations.
  • Program Length: 3 years.
  • ARWU Rank: 29.

Virginia Commonwealth University

Program: Ph.D. in Health Related Sciences
Key Features:

  • Residency Requirements: Two two-week sessions per year.
  • Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Includes concentrations in clinical laboratory sciences, gerontology, health care outcomes research, and more.
  • Flexible Learning: Emphasizes distance-learning technologies combined with traditional methods.
  • ARWU Rank: 201-300.

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Program: DSc in Administration-Health Services, Executive
Key Features:

  • Residency Requirements: Three eight-day on-campus intensive sessions each year.
  • Practice-Oriented: Designed for experienced healthcare executives preparing for senior leadership positions.
  • Program Length: 3 years.
  • ARWU Rank: 301-400.

Lancaster University

Program: PhD in Health Economics and Policy
Key Features:

  • Residency Requirements: Annual interactive academies at Lancaster University.
  • Research Focus: Aims to enhance research skills and understanding of health economics theory, policy, and practice.
  • Flexible Format: Suitable for international students and professionals.
  • ARWU Rank: 301-400.

Why Choose an Online Doctorate in Health Leadership?

Flexibility: Online programs allow professionals to pursue advanced education without compromising their current roles, making it easier to manage work, study, and personal commitments.

Practical Application: Students can immediately implement the knowledge and skills acquired in their coursework into their professional practice, enhancing their impact in real-time.

Global Networking: These programs provide opportunities for networking with healthcare professionals from around the world, fostering a global perspective on health leadership.


Earning an online doctorate in health leadership can significantly boost your career prospects and equip you with the skills needed to lead effectively in healthcare settings. Whether you aim to innovate in clinical practice or drive organizational change, these top programs offer rigorous, flexible, and accessible paths to achieving your professional goals. Explore detailed program offerings and admission requirements to find the best fit for your aspirations.